Late 2020 posts

Sweater vest bby. He’s dressed like Paul McCartney in these pics. Or a philosophy professor ft the red gucci sucker boots (polka dot vest is from Feb 2020, 2nd pic is from early 2020, 3rd is from lizzo performance Jan 2020, 3rd is listening party Berlin Nov 2019, last is Another Man 2016, idk when sheep sweater pic was). Plain yellow sweater vest was feb 2020 when he got his platinum album plaque in nyc

 Calm sleep story mid 2020

 Behind the scenes secret show London Dec 19 ish 2019

 Fine line album photoshoot pink blue nails rings

 Capital fm jingle ball Dec 2019

 Niall posting to his personal trainer mid 2020

 Yellow corduroys idk when

 Casual Harry Miami sept 2019

 Yellow sunglasses

 Watermelon sugar

 Anthony Pham

 Waseem works for full stop management and calls Harry hun I guess. They were first pictured together before Harry’s first album. Possibly even when he still had long hair 1d days


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