Late 2020 early 2021 posts:

The Visit Eroda twitter account (created for adore you music video promo) clicked like on the tweet in the first screenshot (plus other tweets posted by larry shippers that didnt mention louis at all) and larry shippers are going nuts. I cant believe larry shippers still exist after harry and louis have both changed labels and managements since 1D. Larry ppl always said 1D's management wanted to keep their relationship a secret and cover it up with girlfriends and stuff but Louis and harry have both left 1D's management and larry shippers STILL think they're in a (secret) relationship. I'm so done with them. At least not everyone believes this secret relationship shit but larries still got LOUIS THE FISH, Harry and Louis, and Larry to trend on twitter with 70k tweets Dec 2020. There is a book called Louis the fish and the main character is a boy wearing pajamas that look like Harry’s in the music video.

Louis only the brave music video did not have a snippet of a Harry song but they think it did

Harry’s variety hitmaker Dec 2020 photoshoot timothee chalamet comparison

Sexuality debate unlabeled

The face magazine photoshoot mid 2019

First 4 are people (larry shippers who think harry is mistreated by his label and management) talking about how harry seemed tired and not into his variety hitmaker of the year acceptance speech Dec 2020. He thanked record label for leaving him alone into make fine line, kinda sighed and said I’ll get back in the studio. Gave this speech during don’t worry darling filming 5th and 6th pic are internet trolls in someone's group chat. Last ones are ppl who think like the ppl in the first 4 screenshots. Larry shippers really think so badly about Harry's label and management as if harry would pick them to be his managers if they prevented him from doing what he wants and being happy. Harry is not some child that these fans need to protect. They dont know harry personally but act like they do. It all comes back to the fact that they think he's with louis and his management wants to hide the fact that they're gay and in a relationship so they automatically hate everyone from Harry's team. And louis' team too cuz they think louis is just as oppressed as harry and closeted. I cant roll my eyes hard enough. Variety hitmaker of the year speech was dec 2020, think they know the real harry. wore the banana penis necklace in speech video one of the first times he wore it

3,4, and 5 are in sequence and so are 6 and 7. The rest are individual pics. All about louis and harry having bad management teams as if they aren't free to choose their management. Sexuality of louis and harry, Harry's label I guess wanted harry to be in the general categories for Grammys 2021 and there was an article where Harry mentioned not making music for the purpose of getting awards, but for fans I guess idk. louis gay closeted, crafting his career, investment not a person (mostly larries hate Harry’s mgmt cuz if they find anything wrong with his mgmt then they think that proves Harry’s gay and they wanted him to hide it so he’d be more successful) Grammy nominations announced Dec 2020

Harry on iHeart Radio jingle ball performance 2020 (some funny dirty thoughts, some thoughts abt the performance). Screenshots 1-3 are from same tweet. Screenshots are in sequence, 4-8 are in sequence. Last two are separate. Twitter thoughts on his iHeart jingle ball performance. He did seem kind of not into it if that makes sense but maybe he was tired or something. H*rny too added

Necklace in golden music video filmed sept 2020 looks like one Paul Jason Klein wears from Eliou

Golden music video, tummy


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