Ate 2020 Jan 2021 posts: Boyfriend Harry h*rny, Kendall yacht, don’t worry darling set pics Nov 3 2020 casual Harry, Chris pine

Harry wore Camille’s ring late 2017, usually in 2018 during first solo tour, even during fine line promo 2nd to last screenshot has a dumb tweet from a larry shipper, floral suit nick grimshaw interview 2017 for bbc I think

Tweets abt camille and xander at Harry's Madison Square garden show June 2018. Larries think harry was emotional looking at louis in balcony and not camille or xander who were in the pit. 2nd, 3rd and 4th are in sequence, last two are also in sequence.

Harry thoughts via twitter abt xander and camille (1st 4 pics are in sequence) and another pic is abt how Camille and Xander were both at Madison Square garden show 2018

Inspiration for the dancing in the treat people with kindness video via Paul turner in a billboard article

Jogging Italy July 2020 and with massimo bottura restaurant owner Italy same month. when talking about being friends, Alessandro said harry visits him every summer but it seems that harry has more friends there than just him. Like Massimo and his restaurant

Harry being cute, hot and casual. 1st pic is from his first solo tour, 2nd is 2017ish, 3rd is nov 2020 during dont worry darling filming, 4th is feb 2020 bbc radio 2, 5th is with olivia jan 2021, 7th is may 2019, 8th is h*rny filming dont worry darling early nov 2020, 9th is july 2020 and Sept 2020 italy, last is infamous yacht trip with kendall jan 2016 ft tummy

Random Twitter thoughts abt Harry's fashion choices, boosting Gucci's sales by wearing gucci clothes and doing tailoring campaigns and memoire fragrance for the brand, probly wouldn't do calvin Klein shoot. Abt him dressing feminine, harry has said that it doesnt feel performative to wear nail polish, etc. and he said he doesnt think about it enough for it to have underlying meaning. He's just having fun, being creative, being himself but some people say it's just to appeal to lgbt fans. 1st three screenshots are in sequence, lambert solo harry stylist since 2015 even in 1d days, Madonna fanbase lgbt fan base

Larry shippers (Larries) are still mad about the dont worry darling movie and trying to find something wrong with them resuming filming cuz they're mad that harry might be dating olivia and that would disprove their larry theories. These ppl on twitter are defending harry and olivia carrying on with the movie and maybe dating. People including larries loved olivia when she defended Harry's vogue photoshoot but now larries are trying to find something to be mad about since shes possibly dating harry. Olivia defended Harry's vogue shoot. I wonder if they were dating as far back as Nov 2020. I posted this post early Jan 2021, Jeff hate


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